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Friday, September 23, 2011

Good-bye Summer, Hello Fall

Today is officially the first day of fall.  I've already said good-bye to my maxi dress, flip flops, and shorts (I'll miss you).  And, I'm actually excited to start sporting my boots, scarves, and trench coat.  The last weekend of the summer, hubby and I decided to have a date night and get a babysitter for the evening.  We didn't do a nice dinner, or even a movie....we decided to go to Beer Fest!!  That's right...we drank beer for 5 hours.  Different vendors from all over the west coast of Canada and the US come to Victoria to show off their new flavors of beer; and we love beer.
Here are some pics from our 'romantic' date night (hehe):

Maxi dress from Club monaco

This summer has by far been the best summer yet, even beats last year when I married my hubby.  Having my baby has been the most rewarding job yet to date.

Today is also my puppy's birthday.  For those of you that don't know, we have a ONE year old boxer puppy named Boston.  I think he's been feeling a little neglected since Nathan has come into the picture, so today we bought him a few treats and a birthday cake.
Here are some pics from today as well:

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