-The feeling you get when you discover you are pregnant.
-Amazing hair that hardly ever becomes greasy. I went from washing my hair every second day to once a week (and even then it was because I felt like I should)
-Hardly ever having to shave
-Amazing skin. Okay, well this came after the first trimester (see cons below)
-Feeling the little guy move around in your tummy is pretty awesome
-Ultrasounds. Seeing the little man on our ultrasounds was always exciting. Hearing the results sometimes was not always so blissful (again, see cons)
-Discovering we were having a boy.
-All the attention you receive from strangers. Especially towards the end when your HUGE.
-The little things your husband will do for you.
-Being able to enjoy that extra piece of cake.
-First trimester morning sickness. Trying to work when you're sick and not being able to tell any of your co-workers why.
-Being bloated constantly. I couldn't really tell when I started showing because I was always so bloated.
-Constipation. Enough said.
-Pizza face in the first trimester.
-Being tired all the time.
-Getting fat and losing your body. Especially after all those wedding workouts.
-Maternity clothes. Hardly any choices and not flattering.
-Giving up all the things I LOVE. No alcohol, limiting coffee, deli meats, raw fish, certain teas, and the list goes on and on.
-Vacationing when pregnant. Watching your husband drink coronas and fruity drinks on the beach while you sip your water is unfair. And don't get me started on the bikini problems.
-Ambiguous ultrasound results that left us uneasy until his arrival.
Don't get me wrong, it's all worth it in the end. I can't believe how amazing it is to have life inside you and then getting to meet him for the first time is indescribable.
Here are some pics from my pregnancy.